Clinical Exercise Specialist-

“I am very impressed with the 360 Strength Trainer.  It’s a very versatile mode for developing core strength/stability as well as joint stability.”

Yoga & Pilates Instructor-

“I love the use of elastic bands as it connects the nervous system with every exercise and helps to increase flexibility and strength while doing a dynamic movement.”

Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Model

“Great for taking your Fitness to the Next Level and changing from the same routines.  It will definitely get you out of any plateau’s you may be experiencing. I love it.”

Division I Athlete-

“Very ideal for the development of Core Strength.  The bar connected to the Sled is brilliant and I love how easy it is to use!  I am extremely impressed with the product and think there is a strong place for it in the market.”

Father of the Bride-

“I utilized the 360 Strength Trainer to get me in shape for my daughter’s wedding.  I have never used a piece of equipment that worked like the 360 Strength Trainer. I Lost 30lbs. and gained more muscle in three months than ever before. Truly Awesome Equipment!”

International Ring Announcer-

“At some point in a bout, your Core Strength will be tested.  The 360 Strength Trainer is a Great Product for vastly improving all areas of your Core.  It also tests the users balance and coordination which is amazing.”

Exercise Science Specialist -

“Ingenious!  Tremendous in the simplicity of the design but so complex in the scope of the workouts.  Absolutely Fantastic!”

Top Trainer and Coach-

“It’s versatile – I could change up things real quick.  I feel like I can get a great beach body with it!”

Wellness Consultant-

“The 360 Strength Trainer is an Amazing piece of equipment to develop quality synergy of back and core muscle groups, which is really important in the physical preparation of athletes.”  

Head Wrestling Coach-

“I feel the 360 Strength Trainer would be a great addition to an established functional training program.  The versatility of this training solution lends itself to many different opportunities. It’s quality Core Training is key to success in any sport.”  

What are you looking for?